Saturday, September 27, 2008

famous quotes

Is this quote famous: "It will all pay out in the end"????

Well anyways.... I hate that quote only because its true.... :)

I'm am God's best pessimist.... I always think shit is the worst thing ever..... and so, things just are usually bad to someone people, but I believe them to do horrible.

And it doesnt matter what other people think, if Im being a drama or whatnot, its how I feel.... and thats all that matters, is that is how I, me, I feel about the issue.

I have learned that what is a big deal to some is not a big deal to others,but nonetheless, should always be supportive and thoughtful on why they feel that way and love them for why they are that way!

Ok, so my point: My point is... I did find out and felt and realized that it does all pay out in the end.... I dont REALLY hate that quote, just pissed that you gotta go thru the crap to get the good stuff.

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