Wednesday, October 15, 2008


What I love about the vast group of friends I have, is how different they all are!!! I have my really great friends, those who I have known since childhood, that I have grown up with, ones that I have experienced many unqiue events/times in my crazy life..... and then I have the frineds I have found in Pharmacy school, ones that have actually seen me at my lowest point, have suffered thru the hellish schooling with, crack the hell up with and are at times absolutely immature and silly...... and friends that are so much fun getting together with and going out, or going to lunch, and gossiping, catching up on their families, husbands, etc....

I like the type of friend I have become to each of them. While my time is few and far between, I dont get to spend much time with most of them, I am away from most of them, etc..... and I sometimes am so wrapped up in my own chaos, I dont call as much as I'd like to....

I like that when I am thinking about them, and such.... I let them know. I never tell my friends I love them just on their B-Days, or just when they do something nice for me (I mean I do that too).... but I also tell them in out of the blue moments. Today, I was thinking of one of my greatest friends I am blessed to have.... and so, I just called her up and left that message for her.... just so she'd know that I was thinking bout her....

Good friends are hard to find, that's why I plan on working to keep them around!!!! It's not work though, it's pure joy to have them around too!!!!

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